Saturday, December 18, 2010

Photographs of Studio Model

Hi everyone, here I would like to share with you some of the photographs taken during for my current semester. This semester, I have involved in two models. One will be a group project and the other one is for my studio project.

The first group model was an interior room of St. Salvator Dining Hall, St. Andrews University. The dining hall is belonged to St. Salvator Hall. It is kind of a student hostel. Here is a link to share with: I'll talk a little bit about the approach to this hall and the members involved in. We are a group of 4 persons. Steven Smith, Cornelius, Nicholas Yap Yan Xun and I. Nick and I went there by Megabus and National Rail respectively. Paul Liew joined the trip from Aberdeen to St. Andrews. The journey was quite enjoyable. We chatted in the train. The sky was still dark when we boarded the train at 6am. We took National Rail from Aberdeen to Dundee station and took a bus from Dundee Bus Terminal to Church Square, St. Andrews. At there we met up with the rest of the class. Lecturers Samuel Penn, Conrad and David Wilson were there at 9am. Quickly, we were briefly told the introduction of the existing Public Library which we were to have for our second studio project - Extension for that Public Library. In the noon, we were brought to respective halls or rooms that we were to do some measured drawings. We made a mistake by not having things planned pre-departure. A bit of chaos while we were doing measurements. Everyone seems to act as a leader... LOL~ This is what I have to admit that the devilish function of egosim turned us down. The atmosphere was quite tense. But at last, we were able to finish everything in rush. Here attached are some of the photos taken at St. Andrews sightseeing, followed by photographs taken from the hall and finally followed up by the photographs of the model that we did.

PART 1 - St. Andrew and the Riun of St. Andrew Cathedral

PART 2 - Photographs of the Hall and surroundings

PART 3 - Photographs of models

To all my readyers, Hope all of you enjoy this post... Have a great shopping on this Boxing Day and let's welcome 2011 in another 6 days... :)    Joyous moments.... Stay cosy for readers in the Northern hemisphere... Enjoy your Summer for people in the Southern Hemisphere and Asians do stay out of the Rain in this monsoon season... Keep yourself safe always... Bye now... Will post again soon...


  1. hey max nyc blog

  2. Thanks anonymous for the comment. I need more improvement though... :)

  3. Amazing one I hv seen,
    keep it up .... :D
    I enjoy it, thanks :P

  4. Thank you for your compliment. :)
    Do stay close and spot some new post.
