Monday, December 27, 2010

What a dream... (LOVE)

Oh... My God... What a dream~
I consider that was a sweet and impossible one...
I dreamt that she was back and she wanted us to get back to each other again~
But strangely, I refused her... Maybe this is why people said you are always awake in your dream... One performs honestly in one's dream than reality...

Simply, I consider it was so sweet that I dreamt my ex-gf... The memories that both of us had is still afresh like things just happened yesterday... However, reality is cruel... Now, we are strangers... Strangers that seems we dont know each other... No matter what, I just hope that with her UEC result, she is able to enter a good uni and carry on with her study...

I will still be strong as I am these few years... I will live my life fierely no matter what. Dont worry... But I had to admit that I really need more time to recover from this...

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