Saturday, December 18, 2010

After Final Interim Review. :)

Hi dear all readers, first of all a round of applause for me for being able to survive the Interim Review. Phewww~ Well done to all my coursemates too. Those nights that we went through were really memorable. The moments we did our design model + drawings + renderings are quite I would use the word  "frustrating but exciting" enough that we tend to strive every single moments to  do our best, to perform well. We did enjoy the moments, and it was really fun.

In my mind, the picture of Sonic (the then-name, Sonic) was asking: "Anyone, coffee or tea? With milk?" haha... And I heard, it might be Ross saying that: "Tea is not suitable to be taken regularly" and Sonic responded, "Oh, that is why I drink coffee." And during those sufferring nights, we have had Mark, Philip, Jack, Rachael, Kimberley, Ross, Hediah, Fiona, did I miss out any? :) Working in that kind oif environment and aura is really very encouraging to work, to proceed on our works... I would have to painly said that though there was some kind of competition happening on but this is a very good and productive sense of competition. This is because once we encountered any query or difficulty in proceeding on design work we would ask around and hoping to get more idea from anyone. (Try to imagine the moments you are blank of idea, and you are craving for one, that would be very desperating ;p)

Let me talk a little bit about the Interm Review. Basically, the review is divided into two days, we had two group of panels happening at the same time. Each panel have 15 to 16 students for the review each day. It happened for two consecutive days. That's mean the students in Year3 is approximately 60pax. I was on Day 1, Day 2 for Nicholas. My slot was timed at 11.05am. Each student was allocated with 5mins verbal presentation where we can sell our idea to the "potential client" (in this case the crit panel) and another 25mins was some critic sessions where the panel would ask questions and wanting our justification, You know what, it reminds me of Mr, Fuzi from UCSI University: "There is no right or wrong in design." In my presentation I presented and had dived them through the space and the spacial quality of each space. And it was explained by relating it with the function of the room, some materials by presenting a moodboard and some sketches of the interiors.

My presentation was going fine, but there is something that I would need to put more effort on the justification of certain design gesture. For example, my main library entity is angled with a reference to gridding method. (From Plan).  My intention is to break through the symmetry of the whole by creating a certain asymmetrical layout. The panels area that this is an appropriate gesture but the angle that I have created is "controversial" and "questionable"... "Why at this angle? Why not... ...?" I try to justify it from the site plan but I came out with nothing, I should have thought about this. I will look into this part and hopefully be well prepared for the final design assessment coming in Jan 2011.More to update in term of details and the way I composed my board. Though the crit panel said the drawing is clean and good and one of them said that it was the best example of drawing in term of the lineweight and shading. But somehow I still think that the board is not designed enough not colourful enough. I will try to work out on this part.

For day 2, Nicholas gave a superb presentation and the crit panel said his presentation was the best for that day. I hope that I could be as fluently spoken as Nic does. The review session went on until 5pm for the last one. I would regard this is not really professional because both the crit panels (4 lecturers) came into each other and criticized on the last students. This is not very convincing for me to think that RGU carries out its Architectural Education in a professional way. I feel sad and uneasy with this. My mind keep thinking what if this happen to me? :(

Too many pessimistic thoughts are not really encouraged to be spoken. After the review, there was a party happening at one of the student's flat. I wished to join but had to work at Mr.Li Chinese Restaurant. But disappointingly, the restaurant called and said that no need for me to work at there on that day. I was so pissed off that everything is planned and organized well. But this sudden piece ruined up everything. Not convincing at all!

Nicholas and Faiz went to the cinema for movie. I was not able to join because of taking scribe for my friend during his review. :'( But the movie I watched in my flat is Inception a very good movie that requires some injection of thoughts and critical thinking, thumbs up!)

Now here I am blogging in the toilet. :) I dont mind to say it out. It doesnt affect anything. It is still me myself.
I would have some of the work to be done. Back to work.

There will be more posts coming up these few days. I will write about the politics, general issues back in Malaysia, etc. Enjoy the posts. :)

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