Thursday, December 2, 2010

A 3-months Gap and to Procrastinate awhile...

To my dear Readers, it's been 3 months since the last post. Here now I am blogging again in my flat, Aberdeen, Scotland. Just feel like blogging... Listening to a great favourite English song of mine, doing design, plan changed again... It is 3am now... Still progressing on design... Alot of stuff to be written on blog later... Really alot... Dear readers, please allow me to have gone through these 2 weeks and then you will notice blog by blog of stories and my new life here in Aberdeen poping out... :)

Simply, in short, still though quite cold now... I still enjoy the "harsh" winter here. Just allow myself to procrastinate for just awhile, it seems guilty if I do not do so... hahaha... Even more guilty procrastinating now... Who cares? :)

I do really starting to appreciate alot of stuffs after I broke with my girlfriend. I wonder how can I really not think about this and that while I was in love. Now I truly understand what do people meant by "Love is Blind"... Hope you get what I meant here dear Readers. It is hard when I wrote the kind of emotional and atmosphere to be liken when you have not got this kind of experience or to the least at least try to imagine and put your ownself onto that situation and think about the setting, the context, the people.

Just now, I am also having a little bit worry to become MC on Sunday Chapter Day in Aberdeen. It is my buddhism gathering meeting. It considers as part of the intergral event to have in a year. After having myself studying here in Aberdeen, Scotland, Uk, I started to become more active in my SGI-UK activities. There is a "piece" of philosophy to write about this in the coming post. And I do really hold onto this I would use the word "faith" very much in my life maybe just focusing onto this "piece" after my 20's.

Loking at the digital clock on my laptop, I have been writing for almost 5mins from the first letter until now. I shall stop writing and go back to my work.

I miss my friends in Malaysia alot. I miss my family and the picture of all of us sitting aroud the round table at the dining with at least 3 to 4 dishes now flipping in my mind. I miss my mom's home-cooked food to the extreme. I miss my manual-gear Double Cab. I wanted so much to jog at Bukit Padang for a lap non-stop which I always do while I was at KK.

Okay, I just made an agreement with my instinct, I shall really get back to work. I need to do my packed lunch after wake up later. I shall be going to Scott Sutherland School of Architecture, RGU before sunrise. Sunrise is around 8.15am. Sunset is 3.30pm. Too short period of daylighting make me a little bit "depress"... Seems that my biological receptors for sunlight are craving for sunlight as the source of energy.

Ok, readers. Good morning to you and have this day blessed and remember always leave a smile to anyone even those who quarrel with you. Remember to respect the same way that you wanted them to respect you. :)

Also, just for myself expression. Happy Birthday Robin. :) I think you will find yourself something to be "blasted" for! haha...

Catch up at the next post, READERS...


  1. yo,
    how r ya?
    i just read ur blog, since donno when. u're in RGU!!! AWESOME! for how long? doing architecture? i like ur entries even though its pretty long, hehehe. hope to hear from u soon.
    take care and good luck.

  2. Hey Yumi!!! The creative interior designer... ! :)

    i will be in RGU for 3 years. Yes, doing architecture. LOL! The longer the better. I am fine here please do keep in touch... :)
