Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Singapore Gov. + President Nathan, CRITICISM or APPRECIATION?

Dear Yong, a Sabahan too. This is how I consider myself there is an amicable tie between you and I.
I am also another 22 yo teenager. This will be very disturbing to acknowledge that a teenager which is of bare age like I am is going to be "Hang-to-death"... Yong was just 18 (so damn fresh!) when he was found guilty for drug-trafficking. He did not have the intention to get involved in any of this. He was just considered "blind" at that very moment which he had just looked into a tiny perspective of "Earning Fast Cash". He might be "too rush in making any decision", "threathened by his peers to be involved", "challenged by his friends to prove the guts he had"... etc & etc...
As a teenager of course one will prove that he can and he could take up the challenge. This is TEENAGER! With burning desire, burning passion, with COURAGE, with GUTS! Who else can deny this?

I personally think that he should be given a SECOND CHANCE since he had already admitted his wrongdoings. Why other is desired to be forgived and forgave but not Yong? Is there any difference for the "level" of Sin, the "degree" of wrong deeds between DRUG-TRAFFICKING and THEFT ? (In term of the initial motive which is to obtain "fast cash")
Of course, It is undeniable that the importance to letting the Society and the People aware of the consequences that one is about to bare for drug-trafficking. Yet, we are human with tangible feelings, we have passions onto certain things. There should be CHANCEs given to those whom is bound to be forgive, for those whom is willing to prevent others by walking the same path as he or she has walked through.
To the Singapore gov + the-strict-Judiciary System + President Nathan, it would be better if Yong is given the Second Chance to live his live to the fullest by giving Talks, Seminars, Sharing sessions to fellow TEENAGERS out there which are bound to be involved in these kind of wrong deeds. By doing so, YOU are going to safe the lives of several thousands of teenagers out there. I dont think there is any exeption for Singaporean teenagers.
Dear Singapore gov + the-strict-Judiciary System + President Nathan, I have a piece of advice here just for your reference. Try to imagine this: One day, Yong gave a talk in the States and he managed to "pull back" one of Obama's daughter from getting involved in any of it. For sure, Obama will fly to Singapore with his Air Force One or Air Force One(wiki) to personally Thank you for your intention not to hang Yong to death. Also, the Singapore gov + the-strict-Judiciary System + President Nathan will be praised all over the world for the kindness you have for not hanging Yong to death.
To me, I do not think there it is any appropriateness to apply the word "Strict, Just, Respectable,etc..." to the strict Judiciary System of Singapore. And Lastly, remember we, the Human is the Lawmaker, do not be the "Smeagol" of its Master - THE PRECIOUS (from Lord of The RINGS).
Yong, I will pray for you. I believe in the Law of Attraction and the Cosmic Law of the Universe. May you do not give up on yourself too.

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