Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mistake to vote for the CURRENT governments!

Dear Readers,

It's been quite some time since I have not blog here.
I am back. This time I am really pissed off with these FUCKING Stupid Ministers!!!
I dont know whether they are involved in any briberies or threatening contract from any BIG GUY?
But I can assure that we have made the wrong decisions to vote for the CURRENT Gov.

Even the Vice President of MCA said: "半山芭监狱没有保留价值,因为世界上没有任何一座大城市,会把监狱保留下来。" "There isn't any value to conserve Pudu Jail, this is because I dont see any big cities that conserve their prison."(Translation)

He added: "半山芭路的一些老建筑,夹杂在国油双峰塔及其他高楼大厦中,让我国看起来有点问题。" "Some heritage buildings along Jalan Pudu are sandwiched between Petronas Twin Towers and other skyscrapers, It makes our country looks weird." (TRANSLATION)

What the FxxK, how not responsible this statement came out from his mouth!

This also sounds that there is not any appreciation given to the effort by the previous authority or community that constructed that area. How pity this is!

What can we do as a Developing Contry? Is it necessary for a developing country to keep an eye close when we talked about the issues of Bribery + Corruption... ... ... ...~

Malaysians!!! Wake up...!!! Vote for those GOVEREMNT that really can help us, the GOVERNMENT that foreseens the future of our young generations... Our Culture, our Tradition - For the sake that they will not a given even a second to distinguish...

Prove of the news for the irresponsible statements from our beloved ministers.
CLICK HERE to check out the news.

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