Monday, August 31, 2009

Pickpocketed + Rediculous Police = Pissed-off!

Who can help me?

I am Ron, a university student currently studying in Kuala Lumpur. I am here to rant out unsatisfactory encounter yesterday (29th August 2009) with The Royal Malaysian Police (Abbreviation, RMP) or in Malay - Polis Diraja Malaysia, PDRM.

I was boarding the KTM komuter which had departed from Bandar Tasik Selatan station heading to KL Sentral station. The coaches were packed as usual and we were standing on each others’ feet.(No and this is not a joke) Somehow I managed to hold on to the nearest stainless steel bar for stability. Everyone in the train was grasping for fresh air.

During the long journey, I had a feeling that my handphone in my right jeans pocket was being moved around, and I quickly took a glance down, but I just found out that the “one” that keep on dragging my handphone was a black bag carried by a blue shirt uniform 30+ Malay guy. So I didnt care much anymore since the “suspect” was a bag. Soon after reaching the Mid Valley station, a big group of passengers alighted from the coach and another group of Malay girls with “tudung” came in. I immediately moved to another not-so-occupied area. It was rather unwise for me not to check my pockets.

When I had reached KL Sentral station, I decided to make a phone call to my brother. And yes, guess what—it was horrifying to have found out that my phone was gone! Till then I realised that I was pickpocketed by the blue shirt guy carrying the “suspected” – bag! I was really frustrated and helpless at that very moment. I managed to approach a stranger (a kind Chinese student) for letting me to make a call to my phone. Strangely, the “thief” answered it! I was begging him to return it back to me and said that I am willing to pay him RM100.00. Soon then he hung up on me. Again, frustrated and angry. I approached the big body size police officer and stated my problem. He directed me to the 1st floor to lodge a police report at there. I looked at my watch it was 1500 Hour.

Of cause, I have to terminate and suspend my phone line to cease the usage of my phone. I went to a DIGI centre to have it done. Unfortunately the DIGI counter dragged me for quite some time. I could not wait to collect my new applied sim card. I therefore told that I would be back. (The reason for rushing was because I had to reach Sunway Convention Centre to collect the orchestra ticket from my friend whom is also a performer)

I ran up to the 1st floor and saw 2 guys, one standing and another one is sitting on the chair. I approached them and told them I would like to lodge a police report – my phone got stolen in the commuter train. Out conversation is as followed,

The standing guy had a brief smile and answered me, “Saya mahu keluar makan dulu, saya sudah habis kerja, saya mahu pergi balai di monorail situ”
I said, “Sekarang baru pukul 3.25pm, belum sampai pukul 4pm juga.”

He replied, “Kalau mahu buat police report pun boleh, tapi kami tiada cop polis di sini, lebih baik kamu pergi ke balai kereta di monorail situ, di situ pasti boleh buat police report”

I said, “Tapi, bang, saya kejar masa. Boleh kamu buat sahaja police report tak payah apa cop lah.”

He replied, “Kamu pergi ke situ, pasti boleh. Sekarang saya mahu keluar sudah, tadi saya tunggu kamu datang tidak muncul juga. Sekarang saya mahu keluar sudah.” (BEING HARRASED)

I said, “ Tak apalah, terima kasih!”

I ran down to the information counter and asked the another police officer where can I lodge a police report, my phone just got stolen in the commuter.

He said, “Kamu pergi tingkat 1”

I replied, “Mereka sudah tutup kaunter, mereka sudah keluar”

He said angrily, “Apa maksud kamu?! Balai tidak pernah tutup!”

I replied, “Bang, saya baru keluar dari situ, mereka suruh saya jalan ke monorail situ”

Then, he talked with his walkie-talkie.

He said, “Kamu pergi sekarang.”

Then I ran up again. This time I straight away went into the inner office not at the front desk anymore, since the duo had left that counter. I approached the police officer sitting straight at the door front. And told him I had been pickpocketed and would like to lodge a police report.

He said, “Mereka sudah keluar, kamu tunggu sebentar di luar dulu.”

I replied, “Saya kejar masa, boleh minta buat satu panggilan ke Bukit Aman kah? Uncle saya yang kerja di situ beritahu saya ada apa-apa call dia sahaja”

He looked concerned, “Uncle kamu kerja di bahagian apa? Kamu terus call dia lah, kenapa mahu datang ke sini?”

I said, “Saya baru hilang handphone dan saya tidak ingat numbornya. Macam mana buat call, boleh saya guna telefon encik kah?”

Then, a higher-ranked police officer stepped out from his office room and asked, “Apa masalah kamu?”

Lower-ranked, “Dia mahu buat report tapi mereka keluar makan.”

Higher-ranked, “Ya lah mereka keluar makan, kamu tunggu mereka balik dulu, tunggu di luar”

I told the higher-ranked police officer once again what had happened.

And the previous officer told him that I wanted to have my uncle’s phone number. Then he looked at me again and pointed to the paper sticked on the billboard. He told the lower-ranked officer to give me which number. The officer then slowly muttered out the number and at the same time he made a call on that number. He directed the phone to me and I listened on. The conversation sounds as followed,

Bukit Aman, “Hello”

I said, “Is this Bukit Aman hq?”

Bukit Aman, “Yes, how can I help you?”

I told them I was now at KL Sentral police office and I would like to acquire my uncle’s phone number. I was just pickpocket by someone and I need to inform my uncle by getting his phone number.

Bukit Aman, Which department is he working at?

I told them the new department – Something to deal with terrorism.

Bukit Aman, He said ok but today is Saturday, no one will be working.

I said I said nevermind I just want to obtain his number, could you please check for me?

Bukit Aman, He said ok please give me one minute.

Bukit Aman, He replied no one fetch the phone today is Saturday, u call back on Monday oh no no no, u call back on Tuesday to find your uncle because Monday is merdeka day.

I replied, “Ok, thank you.”

Soon I left the police office and headed down to DIGI and get my sim card ready.
I took a cab and left for Sunway pyramid. It was 1600 Hour, I asked the driver to speed.
I managed to reach at 1625 Hour. Quickly, I got the ticket from my friend and enjoyed the concert throughout the whole duration from 1700 to 1900 hour. After that, I headed to the police station at sunway and lodged a report finally. The police officer there wrote down a contact of Sarjan Zakaria - I/O for further inquiry due to the unsatisfactory response I encountered at KL Sentral police office. He said Sajan Zakaria will call me on Tuesday for further information on the matter.

Here am I still pissed off with the policemen! It was 1530 hour that time he said he want to have “makan”!!! They are still in the period for holy fasting, but they said loudly they are heading for makan. Even those two higher-ranked officers also didn’t feel strangely by speaking out “mereka pergi makan”!

I really pissed-off. I don’t know whom I should approach to address this matter to-?
I am really frustrated and disappointed with the reactions of the police.

Police is a figure of “protection” and should always be portraying willingness in helping citizens. But I met this kind of police. I really doubt the ability of the police force. How could the Royal Malaysian Police could have produced such undisciplined members! Some more, we are celebrating the 52nd Independence Day by tomorrow! Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib tun Razak is shouting out for 1 – Malaysia.
He is urging the people to believing in his ability to unite Malaysians!

Malaysia will not progress if things like this continue. Please imagine this is just a small case a citizen faced. What do u think they can do if there is a bigger case? Has it need to be case like the death of the poor PKR politician?



  1. hai friend how r u? u r welcome to my blog, i would like to share my happy life style to u ;-)

  2. haha.
    i lend my ears to u :)

  3. thanx tor lending me yr ears ;p
