Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Architheatre August '09

Dear darling, I've been missing u since the last post~
How are u recently? haha... Yea, no doubt, I'm talking to u sweetheart...

My dear Blog, finally hardwork is paid off~ We had won the best play for Architheatre :P
You know what, we have been practising since four weeks prior D-Day...
The process was indeed tiring yet exciting~

Private Kim is really a Japanese with Nippon Spirit haha... She was never letting herself an excuse for not being serious~ Everytime, every single move~ Omg, even until she hurt Merchant Yap who was just coming back from the Middle East for business...

The director, Joshua has been a lazy bone "till Now~" - he was energized to playing his part in this roleplay. He is better in term of performance and the enthutiasm in study comparing with the previous semester...

Bodyguard Tso, Merchant Shah, and Butler Antish were so participating enough with the play and every single practice... Sincerely, group members are cooperative enough that we had successed and we have learned both as a performer and audience...

Credits :
Project Manager-Ron
Effect Manager-Nicholas
Sound Manager-Leong Wei
Action Director-Antish
Backdrop Logistics & Backdrop Design-Sodangi, Sadiq, Wei Shen
Prop Dept-Linxin, Song
Costume Dept-Kimmy, Hui Hui, Story Board-Nicholas, Man Yoke...

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