Monday, June 8, 2009

So hot~

What happen to the surroundings nowaday?
So damn hot u know around Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valleys...
The sun outside is not that "strong", yet ppl keep sweating...
Haze volumed the whole area... Visibility cut short until 200m...
It's like living in an oven... And we are just like the layer of chocolate on the baking muffin~
SOLD in Secret Recipe...

Ms. LL called me in the morning asked whether we would be able to move our design works out of the studio... Hmmm, I just afraid that only few of us were able to present later to help moving those stuffs... Later gonna ask her about the Marking Criteria those assessment stuff...

Haha, i have to do my morning gongyo now... In this late noon!
At least I did...~ haha... Update soon...


  1. ya loh... dunno why the weather changes so much... Then what u do so damn hot? Or u always stay in the class de?

  2. sabah oso hot like hell!!!
