Sunday, June 7, 2009


Marvin and I drove to KLIA to fetch my mum, grandpa and Jackson...
They were so happy to c us...

After reached home we unloaded those luggages...
I went to the market with aunt and my mum...
Wow, Dragon Fruits, many many stuffs for sell...
I bought 2 Red Bean Kuih... So damn nice...
They are surfaced with sesame seeds...
The aroma and fragnance is there...

There was an uncle, he sold various kinds of kuih-muih...
We selected what we wanted, Upon paying, he refused to collect money~
Maybe because of my aunt... Her best fren gua~

Went to Bukit Tinggi Jusco with mum, aunt, and grandpa...
Bought some stuffs hehe...
I bought a gal's short those like for beach wearing...
Not sure suits her or not~ haha... Hope it suits her...
I bought 2 pairs of short socks for myself...
Quite cheap too, around RM15 for 2...
And , Precious Jo cant meet me up she was busy~
Next time ah Jo... haha... Still, looking forward to meeting u~, Pre...~

We went for Osaka for dinner...
This was the first time I saw the menu:"Green Dragon, Red Dragon, White Dragon~... ... "
haha... Nice man!!! Really nice... Quite a rich and full meal we ate...
I noticed that the staircase is so steep and it can really being accommodated into such small space...~ Not bad, can design sth like tat when space is not that sufficient...

So full until now~
Tell u wat, the weather here really damn hot...
Cant really cope and tolerate it anymore... argh~
I am trying sth new...
Trying to "tell" myself I am in an airconditioned room...
I try hard and I am still trying~

Tired~ Gonna sleep soon...
Let me freeze the outside view...
This is the view at that moment...

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