Saturday, June 6, 2009

I am Back!!!

Oh, my gosh... It's been few months since the last post...
Hmmm, I just got my result... Only one subject isn't that satisfying...
I will look into the matter and approach lecturer to ask about that on tuesday...
Kinda sad knowing other cousemates not passing certain subject...
We shall work harder in a team or a group...

I am at Klang now at my aunt's place...
Uncle is not feeling well - speaks less as usual...
Haha, kids grown up~ I mean my cousins... Good to c that...

Aunt and I talked, chit-chatted about corruptions mainly coverings the cops, the government and also the hot topic - the PERAK's Menteri Besar chaos~
I am somehow not so shocked when I heard the inner story haha... Pm me if u want to know...
LOL~ I just dont want to waste my time squatting in the cell or the detention room questioning by ISA personnels... U c now "Baginda said he doesnt want to step on S's land."
Omg, this is quite saddening...

Ok, yea one more thing Lee Wei Chong thanks for having a chance meeting u since junior 1 haha!
U should look for us mah... Aiyo... Didnt have his picture here... sorry...
Anyway, he still looks the same haha... Still so damn cute~
Recalling back the memory we had in Junior 1-He danced haha...!
Seeing him busying with Gakkai activities is a great pushing force for me to somehow arrange my time efficiently so that I could have more time spent in Gakkai activities... Hopefully this semester will not be that busy as last one...

Yea, it will be rather interesting for my blog if I post some perspectives of mine on recent issues - Culture, Government, Things happening around me, Politics( I aint sure about this, is it allowable for me to talk and give a word or two on politics, I just afraid ISA will interfere my sweet dreams~), anything lah that we(as the youngsters) concern about... haha...

Later, gonna wake up at 0430 hours, leaving house to KLIA to pick up mum, Jackson and Grandpa... Marvin will drive us there... "Marvin, make sure U dont speed, make sure U're driving below 100" haha...

Yaya, one more last thing, just recently, I am playing with Restaurant City & Farm games in facebook... Welcome to join and play for them, so that I could have some ingredients to trade for(Batter Trading) LOL~

C u later, Mum, Jackson and Grandpa~

Goodnight to all~

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