Sunday, May 23, 2010

Experiencing Taiwan 2010 - Transitional "piece" of blog

Oh my dear blog, it seems that I've again abandoned and u... See... Here! I'm back...! :)
It is 4.45am in the morning here i'm starting to mumble awhile regarding this Taiwan study trip.

Looking at the window~ It's dawn. It's like 0610 in Sabah and 0700 in Kuala Lumpur...
Somehow there's a mighty "devil" said - "Ron, go back to sleep!" haha... But seeing the sky outside, it's like the normal waking-hour I am used to back at Malaysia.

Back to the topic. I would say this study trip is an eye-opener to another nation(territory) which I'm not familiar with. There are many things to learn and Malaysian could and ought to adopt them into our own lifestyle which would bring us to a greater height in term of everything... It's a tremendously fun + excited + interesting study trip!

I'll write about this study trip in various kinds of perspectives and point of views... It can be architecturally + culturally + my own inner feeling + comparisons and others...

I'll update it daily as possible as I could. There will be some changes and updates made later.
Stay tuned and I'll be glad if you could leave me a comment or rather having a discussion on certain topic...

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