Sunday, December 7, 2008

Manukan Island

Another Jetty @ Manukan

Timothy and I

Law and his Gf, Me and Tim posed b4 leaving

Danny and I

Rendal, Wilfred, Alex, Bing Jie and Pey Yun

Finally I have mood for blogging my Manukan trip~
I have been to this particular island twice in 3 days time... LOL!
The 1st, with Timothy, Law and his gf went together... That day, the water was so crystal clear that even a total of 100% sunlight is able to penetrate into the water and shone onto the swimming fishes~ like jewellery scattered all over~ We had a great time there... At first, Law and his gf were not willing to be into the water(shy bah)... Then we had this chance to mix around... Timothy and I talked of countries we went b4... Orgasm! He's also a keen traveler... Time flies, this friend of mine which we had the best childhood memory on the basketball field playing "ICE n' FIRE" - He's going to Germany for his civil eng. study... Oh man! my best wishes go to u always!

The 2nd time I went with Rendall, Wilfred, BingJie, PeyYun, Danny and Alex. This time we took the speedboat from Beach Hotel. My chicken wings, PeyYun's sandwiches with egg, and Rendall's tuna sandwiches filled us up... Thanks friend, tasty food we had!
Quite disappointed seeing only 50% sunlight penetrating into the water... Argh, jewellery 2 days before vanishes! Really quite upset... Yet, we enjoyed playing around, chit-chatting, sun-tanning haha... And we guys too huntering for FISHY! haha... We saw one big horny FishY there... PeyYun also cant stand her... haha... We enjoyed feeding fishes their yummy yummy bread~

Danny still want to go to TAWAU! haha... Itchy hyppo~ Great day we had thr... I got hurt by large stone while swimming across the piers that hold the jetty steadily up high...

We bid farewell after ending up high tea at Lintas RenAi...


  1. so nice lo.. go to manukan...
    didnt wait me~ :(

  2. LOL~ u were back at KL liao loh~ ya lah... U shld be thr too... So nice...
