Saturday, December 20, 2008

Back from Vacation!


Into the Plane

Christmas Deco at HKIA


Bamboo Scaffolding

HK High Rise Residential

HK City

Hi everyone, I am back from vacation.
This trip we went to Hong Kong, Macau, Guang Zhou(in sequence)...
We flew thru MAS... That particualr Boeing 737 is far more worse than AA's...

I was really fascinated the moment the aircraft touched down HKIA...
It's grand! oh man! One of Sir Norman Foster work!!! Oh man, he make full use of the natural lighting and it has a clear layout... Imagine we had been thru the world most busiest airport!
Far more advanced and congested than KLIA...

We then checked in into our hotel... I decribed it as "not spacious yet comfortable"... U know lah HK, metropolitan with the most dense population in the world... Simple, just try to imagine 10x KL population in a small Malacca state... In short, we stayed 3 nights at HK... We went to Miew Kai, Loi Yan Kai, Hong Kong Disneyland rocks! Food we ate thr damn great man! everywhere, Ngau Chap, Siu Ngo Bei yummy too!!! Dim sum to me just so so only... Friends! U wont regret eating there... Till here first for HK part1... Outta Upperstar supper hungry~


  1. haiyoo.. i hope next time you bring me to vacation ^^ haaa

  2. sure pal... whenever there is this sth call OPPURTUNITY...
