Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fruitful Yam-Chas...

I called up some band members for lunch at my hse... Mum did the cooking, I was just lending her a helping hand... She cooked stew lamb, fried chicken wings, veges... I like the lamb most... Yummy~(thanks MUM!) Ah BEng, PeyYun, Ivans, WaiSeng, ZhengXuan, FuiZai, JimmyLo, ZhengRong...

I was so happy to see FuiZai years after... haha... The last thing he could remember our 2-years back conversation was-FuiZai: "I've made some chocolate cake, try it". haha...
Despite hungrying for meal I was indeed so delighted to seeing him again after sth bad happen to him 2 years be4. FuiZai, dont worry, I'll always chant for your speedy recovery.

We then dropped by at school band after meal, they were having practice, for the upcoming Taiwan school bands exchange. Damai Yoyo we went. I met JiaXian at there... haha... still the same~

Yeah, and now, here am I just back from Yam-Cha again. Yes, again! haha... I bought Jacko with me. We had Bryan, Richard, Lisa, NamFei together at Lintas RenAi... We talked alot! haha... Even ppl staring at us... LOL... Lisa's laugh champions the whole aura... We too shared many ongoing issues... Great one!

1 comment:

  1. oh my god~
    i miss you all so much leh~
    so long time didnt see u all liao~
    we have a date~
