Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Dreamt This: It's a REHEARSAL!!!

haha... it's been awhile since I the last post...~
I dreamt a nice one this very early morning, 2am perhaps...
It's abt my WEDDING ceremony with her of cause...

In short:
1. Venue - Colosseum
2. Time - Dawn
3. Ppl Involed - Parents & Bros, her parents, Lee Yung Tai(:)), KKMSCB...... (cant recall others)

Curiously, it was 8am and Lee was the Head of the Prefect. He led marching prefects in two rows welcoming Sit and I alongside... pretty more to a marching parade, I wonder.

At that very moment, I was wearing my favourite white T covered up with gorgeous white coat and a short blue Jeans buckled up with Billabong belt ! What the~ (it could be this way the moment it comes) haha...

I even didnt notice things go so wrong until father whispered beside me: Chant sincerely in the heart... haha... Religion comes...

OMG=Oh my gosh! That moment Sit and I were too marching together with the forwarding troop then I got this stupid yet brilliant (I could call) idea slipped through: I ran onto the middle of the Colosseum and yelled: That's all for today's REHEARSAL! Thank you all! I did what my brain told me... haha...!

I glanced at father and he was smirking out ! haha... Then i got up to pee... I could hardly get back to that dream... I noted down few numerical digits... GO for TOTO...! we'll see~
I laughed at myself... Wondering what will be tonight's menu~ LOL!!!

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