Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Defining moment!

Congrat. Mr. Barrack Obama... for the first Black American to enter the White House ...
Obviously, Americans want the CHANGE... "America is a place where anything can happen" Americans foresee tremendous hope on Obama's shoulder... And they realize that Obama will bring their dreams come true... Hooray Americans fight for it fight for your right...

Sarcastically, what about Malaysia?
I cant see any hope in Abdullah and Najib...
Maybe not yet... perhaps or...... (uncertainty)... haiz~
Sometimes I am still thinking of sth naive - what will happen if Malaysia is lead by a Chinese or Indian PM or even a Malay with no racial discrimination perspective... Will this be too far ? or it will not happen? Even Singapore with her 4 main ethnics Chinese, Malay, Indian, and European... She dont have any natural resources and yet she wins herself a concrete stand throughout SEA or even Asia... The people there could somehow live in a harmony aura... I see a NO for Malaysia... yet, if it does, Sabah and Sarawak will be the pioneers(seriously)

past > Present > FUTURE... Things tend to happen or even change and could be very far apart from pre-planned, all of this so influential that it determines your future...


  1. Wow.... i wonder if pak la see this

  2. see then sure he suspends Najib post haha... good then...
